Creative Strategy

How we transformed a mundane task into a joyous occasion

Born and bred in Australia in 1958 and still produced here in Queensland, Aristopet manufactures cost effective, self-managed treatments for common pet parasites. A simple business with a big heart and plenty of know-how.

  • Company
  • Industry
    Pet Products
  • Website

Understanding the Consumer Insight:

For most pet owners, purchasing flea, tick, and worm treatment is a necessary but begrudged chore, much like buying car insurance—it's for the "what ifs." Additionally, it's a product often forgotten at the back of the cupboard after the first treatment.

Enter alphawhale.

Confronted with two challenges—addressing consumer behaviour and navigating diminishing brand presence and awareness.

Our Solution for Aristopet:

Building the bond with your pet means building the bond with the brand.

Introducing a memorable 4-step treatment process:





By infusing positive reinforcement into what was once a mundane task, we turned it into a delightful experience for all involved.

Thus was born Aristopet Day—a celebration centred around bonding with and administering pet treatments. We encouraged users to share their routines online creating a community of Aristopet users and provided handy reminder magnets for their fridge or any prominent spot in the home building brand recognition.

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